
Curanderismo is a unique blend of Spanish, Roman Catholic, Greek, Arab and indigenous folklore and rituals
Curanderismo is a unique blend of Spanish, Roman Catholic, Greek, Arab and indigenous folklore and rituals


The term curanderismo is derived from the Spanish verb curar, meaning "to heal."  This traditional folk medicine is practiced by faith healers who involve methods and rituals that blend both indigenous, Spanish, Greek, Roman Catholic and Arab traditions and cultures an (Salazar, 2013).  


Rituals used in modern practice involve a one on one visit with a curandero (or curandera), a faith healer often located within the community who specializes in mental, physical, spiritual and communal healing techniques that have been passed down for thousands of years. Although its practice is quite common, curanderismo is often misunderstood or looked down upon as a nefarious practice or scam (Salazar, 2013). 



Resources Cited: 


 Salazar, Cindy Lynn, and Jeff Levin. "Religious Features of Curanderismo Training and Practice." Explore                (New York, N.Y.) 9.3 (2013): 150-158. Web.